
Welcome to the MtF.wiki, a place that may help some transfeminine.

This site was founded initially for mainland China’s transgender people. However, if you would like to contribute information for the transgender individuals in your region, please feel free to do so.

MtF (Male-to-Female) or trans female, refers to a female who was assigned male at birth. (P.S. MtF is known to be a doubtful and outdated naming, however, is popular among Chinese and Japanese community; as this project origins from and aims on east-asian community, the name is kept per se.)

MtF.wiki is committed to evolving into a free, open, and constantly updated platform for the integration of transgender knowledge, offering insights into various medical information and other guides important to transgender individuals and our experiences.

The current MtF.wiki is in its infancy. Various resources may have not been included, and there may even be some errors. All enthusiastic contributors are welcome to join us1 and commit to the MtF.wiki project.

The original intention behind building this website is to provide a knowledge platform for the transfeminine community and to promote awareness and acceptance of gender transition among others.

Many materials were referred to during the process of writing this project, we would like to express our gratitude.
